Musculoskeletal (MSK)

Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions affect the joints, bones and muscles, and also include rarer autoimmune diseases and back pain. 

Physiothapy can help to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability.

It can also reduce the risk of injury or illness in the future.

There is a range of support available for patients 

MSK Get U Better App - 24hr digital support 

Patients in East London can now access 24hr free and evidence-based digital self-management support available via Get U Better App.

This includes help with all common muskuloskeletal (muscle, bone and joint) injuries and conditions.

To get started, please visit the following Get U Better website:  getUBetter - Getting started and follow the steps to download the app. 

First Contact Physio at your GP

First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) are advanced practitioners, now available from General Practices.
They have an extensive expertise in the clinical assessment, diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. 


What are the benefits of having access to a First Contact Physiotherapist from my GP?

Patients with muskuloskeletal pains, including conditions like arthritis or back and joint pains, can now directly access First Contact Physiotherapists, bypassing the need for a GP visit or hospital referral.

This means patients receive faster diagnosis and treatment, enabling them to better manage their conditions and expedite their recovery.

This not only aids patients but also supports GPs in efficiently managing their workload and minimizes the necessity for further referrals.


How can a First Contact Physiotherapist support patient?

They can assess, diagnose and treat a range of complex muscle and joint conditions, giving expert advice on how best to manage MSK conditions or referring them onto specialist services if necessary, including:

  • Back pain, neck pain
  • Shoulder, knee, ankle, elbow or wrist pain
  • Any muscle injuries, strains / sprains / tears
  • After joint surgery e.i.: knee / hip replacement, shoulder surgery
  • Sciatica
  • Arthritis
  • All sport injuries

By easier access to physiotherapist, patients can receive a diagnosis and treatment, helping them to manage their conditions more effectively and recover faster, so they can get back to normal life quickly.



To find out more on how the First Contact Physiotherapist can support patients, watch the video below (opens in a new window).